Where I Am
Pre-Writing Artifact: In-Class Draft of My Community
My community is at Texas Christian University (2800 S University Dr. Fort Worth, Texas). I live in King Hall in the commons on the fourth floor. Many of my friends are freshman who live in other dorms like Sherley Hall, Carter Hall or Moncrief Hall. We all eat at the same places like the BLUU cafeteria, King Family Commons cafe, the library sandwich shop and the Chick-fil-a on campus. I'd say specifically my community is my friends group, we are all in the same fraternity and are all freshman.
Revision Artifact: In-Class Revised Draft of My Community
My community is located at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas. It is located at 2800 S University Drive and there is no commute for me because I live there. Texas Christian University is a welcoming and safe place. I decided to go there for college because of the beauty of the campus and to attend their good business school. Texas Christian University can provide students with the tools they need for success in not only their professional lives but also their personal lives. It is a Christian institution that promotes faith almost everywhere you look, they have tons of clubs, bible studies and even a chapel on campus for those who are interested. It is also very Greek oriented and most people are involved in a fraternity or sorority.
Peer Response Artifact: Questions and Comments My Peers Had About First Draft
Why did you mention the halls of your friends?
What brought you to your community?
Shouldn't you talk more about what TCU offers to your community?
Is there something important to you about TCU?
You should talk more about TCU than just your friends
Mentor Response Artifact: